
Help my fish doesn't want to eat?

by  |  earlier

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I have a small oscar right now and he doesn't seem to want to eat, what should i feed him? I've tried baby shrimp, bloodworms, tropical flakes, and algae wafers. He doesn't seem to like the shrimp, he'll eat it, then spit it out. He goes to the top for air but wont eat. He doesn't like the algae wafers either. What should i feed him, he is a baby tiger oscar




  1. Maybe you put to much light. Fish don't really like to much light. Or maybe its pregnant.

  2. You can try snails or a slice of zuccini. Just make sure you anchor it down with something cuz zuccini floats.  

  3. give it small guppies...he`ll eat those.

  4. You should try garlic pellets and garlic drops. That's what i use when i get a finicky eater and it perks them right up!

  5. Feed hi Black Worms

  6. your oscar is sick!

    that is the same case with my old betta :( she died

    but ya those are the same signs that my betta showed

    i suggest you get medication for your fish b4 its too late :S

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