
Help my freind?!?!?pleasee!!?

by  |  earlier

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i slept over my freinds house last night and she said she kept on hearing a dinging that sounds just like her cellphone she got scared and told her grandpa(he lives w/ her) and he said say a prayer and god will protect you.i didnt heaar the bells, it wasnt bloody mary, it wasnt the windchimes.and later on her grandpa heard it too. i didnt. her grandma is dead, she has been 4 a year...then in the mmornig it went away.whats going on??




  1. What IS going on?

  2. maybe there's a spirit in the home that was meant for them only, not you. It's sort like in the Bible when Samuel heard the Lord calling his name and he ran to his father. you have nothing to fear just pray that God protects you from any harm or dangers as well as your friend.

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