
Help! my friend is breaking the law!?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is 12 and sneaking out at night to go sleep with her boyfriend!

she comes from a very strict family, so i can see why shes doing this.

anyways, thers a law in our town for minors and curfews. us minors arent supposed to out alone past 10. this friend also has a history of lying, i dont know what to do! im afraid if she is really sneaking out...i dont want her to get prego either. Please help me! i need your opinion on this situation




  1. Tell your parents, they can talk to her parents or just directly tell her parents. You're doing it for her own good. She might get mad at you for awhile but you gotta do what you gotta do. It's the best for her, and she'll one day realize it.  

  2. My friend solve this problam by your friend mind thinking .

    you ask her about under age relationship create very big problam.

    you spent a lots of time with her and told her to think about her Future.  

  3. Sadly, theres nothing you can do about. If you tell her not to do it, she'll obviously say no. Honestly, try not to make friends with those kinda of poeple. Trouble comes.. like now. Let her get in trouble and do whatever she wants to do and she will regret it in the end. You may care for her but. breaking the law? dude thats insane. dont mind about it. cause if you tell her parents, u guys are like gonna be split up as friends, she'll get like extremely made at you. :[ Btw, u said ur not friends? Well then just tell some of her friends and hopefully they do something about it. or you keep bugging her. you should tell ur parents or at least some older person.. Aah life is full of roller coasters isnt it? Well you gotta live with it.

    Good luck.. [:

  4. Just make sure that you don't get caught up in trouble  

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