
Help my friend is pshsic how can he get better at seeing the future

by Guest61388  |  earlier

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just tell me pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it would mean the world if somebody would and eric dont have a computer so im asking for him




  1. Practise. For example stand at a window facing the street, and close your eyes. Try to imagine how many people are going to walk by in the next five minutes or what make, model, and color the next car to drive by will be or try to guess who is calling you before you look at caller id or pick up. If your friend really is psychic then his ability just needs to be developed.  

  2. time works, or he can go to metaphysics school. there are tons of books if you know where to look (look in the phone book under "new age")

  3. First of all, thank you for trying to help a friend increase his abilities.

    So then, not all psychics have the ability to see the future.  This only means that the internal senses are heightened to pick up on what is around you and they do not always "look" toward the future. Also, using this ability to "see" the future is not a dead on--at any time thing.

    Those who are practiced and  able to actually see glimpses into the future only get images once in awhile, while some can actually get a "feeling" of what kind of day they will have tomorrow...every day.

    Being able to use this ability means that the mind needs to be cleared of all the mundane things around him.  In other words...through meditation to reach the "calm" inside of himself.  Once he can reach that state, he should let his mind go searching to "See" what it will.  Take notes each time, date them and what is seen and then wait a few days to see if anything "simular" happens.  Write down what he sees every time he tries this.

    Through practice the ability will get stronger.

    Good luck

  4. well meditation, earthing, connecting I find thta learning how ot read rcle or tarot cards helps


  6. What's "pshsic"?

  7. My question is: How do you know he is psychic?

    Many people (mistakenly) claim to be psychic because they have correctly predicted a few  (usually general) outcomes.

    This is normal, in fact, the law of large numbers would predict that we all SHOULD experience some strange (to us) phenomena: thinking of someone then they call, or visit, (or die) the next day, or next week whatever.  (basically, any time someone asks, "what are the odds of that?" the odds are pretty good, ask any statistician)

    The point is that when we look at "predictions" we fit them to our reality, not the other way around. (also, we are, in general, pretty bad at probability)

    Don't believe me? Have your friend write out ALL of his predictions - in as much detail as possible - and then see how many come "true" (be particular on this, many general statements can be used to "define" a variety of experience). It will likely be very few.

    Or even better perform the J.B. Rhine 5 card test with him (see first two references). Keep in mind that even his tests didn't provide significant results (all fell within mathematical probability). For a good discussion on this test see Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things"

  8. draw a really BIG upside-down star. place candles arount it forming a circle.

    place eric in the middle of it then throw chicken blood at him then feed him drugs.

    when he starts to vomit and foam comes out of his mouth that means your helping him see the future.

    dont forget to scream while his shaking that'll add to the satanic ambiance

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