
Help my friend is smoking weed too much?

by  |  earlier

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i keep telling him to stop and he says hes trying but he keeps doin it and his BEST Friend doesnt even know and he doesnt want him to know because he probably wouldnt be his friend and he trusts me not to tell him. well not only him but two of my other friends are doing it with him. but anyways what should i do? i dont want to rat him out but wat can i do?? plz help




  1. i convinced my friend to stop, just by having a conversation with him. i told him to look at it from other's point of view. tell him to look at it as someone else, how depressing it is to his friends and family. say that it may be fun while hes doing it but if he saw you or anyone else doing it, it is a very depressing sight. this should convince him that it is not the right thing to do.

  2. I agree with another answer.. if you really think he is way to addicted I would try and intervention. Not particularly the one on tv but you could have one yourself. Tell his best friend and the other friends because if they were that great of friends they would participate in finding a way to help him.

  3. get over it , its not a big deal , stop being so worried , a little weed never hurt anyone

  4. since u helped me ill help u...

    show him what weed can do to him, tell him the facts  such as he will die at a low age and stuff, man and also DUDE DONT QUIT BASKETBALL SERIOUSLY U HELPED ME, NOW HELP YOURSELF! WE CAN BOTH MAKE IT THE NBA!

  5. You get high, you get by.

    It's not easy to quit, it just feels so good.

  6. Tell him to watch this vid...

  7. My first question is how old is this person and how much weed are they smoking?

    Are you just freaking out too much.

    A little weed never hurt anybody.

    But if hes smoking too much then you need to scare em out of it.

    Not just say 'Dont Do it'

  8. The best thing to do would be to check him into rehab.

    Good luck

    I hope he quits.

  9. What you said -- don't rat him out. You can't force his hand and if you tell others there will merely be counterproductive hysteria. But -- he should know that pot is addictive for 15% of people who use it (many still believe that it isn't addictive at all). So if he's trying to stop and can't, he's probaby addicted. And that means he has a few options. He can jones on his own for a few months -- I've had friends who have done it, it's uncomfortable but it can be done. One friend at work did it by smoking cigarettes. Or if he can't do it on his own, he can talk to a counsellor or go to a self-help group. (If he *wants,* he can ask his parents about detox, but that seems overkill for weed -- at least, I wouldn't consider it until I'd tried the other options.)

    But it shouldn't come to that -- as I said, I've seen people who were addicted stop successfully on their own. The fact that he's trying is a really good sign. Tell him about it being addictive so he understands that there will be an end to the discomfort he feels and that it isn't something he can just cut down on or use occasionally. And pass on that if he stops now, he'll still be able to go to college and make a life for himself, but if he keeps on shirking for a few more years he's going to be stuck voting Republican and working at Mickey D's.

  10. call that intervention show on a&e

  11. theres nothing wrong with smoking weed, you cant overdose on it. as long as it doesn't affect his school (if he attends) or his job (if he has one) then leave him alone. my bestfriend doesnt know about it for the same reason but thats not going to make me stop.

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