
Help my hamster is missing?

by  |  earlier

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when i woke up this morning i was going to play with my hamster,but she was gone.i left my door open last night so my cats would get used to having her in the house.I cant find her anywhere i think my cat might have got to her,but there was no blood, so i don't know if she is just around the house some where know.




  1. ok well, i would put out food. put your cats in an encloseed area, if the food is missing you know it was the hampster and not the cats.  try to keep an eye on the food as much as possible.

  2. ok a few choises:

    1) close all doors in every room and put food and treats in every corner. put the same amount in every corner so u can tell if it ate one or not.

    2) buy one of those traps and put some food in there, it should close when your hamster goes in.

    3)pray really hard your cat didnt eat her!!!!!!!!!

    and keep checking around the house!

    hope this helps!!

  3. Check around warm places as they tend to gravitate to them. Other then that watch to see if your cat coughs up a hair ball.

  4. I have cats too and I have lost my hamsters with door open and everything so I know what to do.  First close all of your doors that way it can't from room to room.  Check a small room throughly and place your cats in that room.  Now go to the room where your hamster disappeared and search under any crawl space because everytime my hamstters get loose they go straight for my bed.  If it isn't in that room place piles of food in all the rooms and by the doors, hat way they'll come out from their hiding place.  Now procide to search the rooms closest to the first room.  If you can't find it don't start feeling bad , sometimes they have very good hinding spots.  You can also set up a trap by putting bedding and food at the bottom of a small trashcan and make a small latter so it will fall in and can't get out.

    I sure hope you find your hamster!!

  5. Look under little stuff,

    Like stuff with open bottoms underneath,

    And behind cabinets.



    I'm sorry if your cat has got it.


  6. When I lost my hamster, she was found behind the stove.

    I'd look behind EVERYTHING, and I wish oyu the best of luck!!

    Bless her if the cat got to her.



  7. Aww, I'm sorry that happened. I have a hamster, and when he escaped, I found him under my bed. Make sure to look there! If not there, leave his cage open, just in case he comes back. And oh yeah, take everything out of his cage, sometimes they hide under the wood chips, or under their food bowl. =]]

  8. she is probably hiding.

    if you cats got her, they would have left the body out in the open.

    look under the heaters and leave her cage open with food in it . hope you find her

  9. check behind the fridge, and cupbpards! i always used to find mine there, especially since i taught it to climb the stairs :P  

  10. Close all doors and put hamster food in the middle of each room. Wait a little while, and check each room for missing food. When food is missing, start searching around that room, around walls. Also I would make sure there aren't any holes in the walls big enough for your hamster to crawl through.  Hope you find her!

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