
Help my hamsters have fleas!?

by Guest45376  |  earlier

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well at least im 90% sure even though its hard to find any one them. i have 4 dwarf hamsters and our cat got in the house...she had fleas and gave them to our rabbits which stay in the same room as my hamsters. theyre scratching a lot but i cant find anything bc theyre too dark hair and theyre wiggly =p

please help is there anything i could put on them like a power or spray or something =/

im really worried =[




  1. There are a number of sprays to rid small animals of fleas.  The rabbit and cat can use flea shampoo for cats, as flea treatment is about weight/size and not species. You can get drops to put on the cat to prevent it from bringing in fleas or keep it inside.

  2. I think u need 2 get rid of them (the fleas). Jk i think u should take him 2 the vet and c what they can do about the fleas.

  3. Talk to your vet. Obviously you wouldn't want to give your hamsters something for a cat or a dog if that could harm them. Call your vet if possible and ask for an idea. They might have ideas on bathing them to get rid of fleas. They probably could also give you an idea about properly cleaning out the cages.

  4. You can take them to a vet who can prescribe anti-mite sprays and give them a good cleaning.

    If you want to do it at home yourself, buy a good brand anti mite spray for rodents (available at any pet shop). Do not spray the medicine directly on the hamster but apply some on a small soft sterile brush, comb the brush on the hamster and then use a small cloth or tissue paper to dry off the hamster.

    When you are using the anti mite on your hamsters, be very gentle with them and shield the head of the hamster to avoid the anti mite getting into their eyes. This treatment should be repeated as directed on the anti-mite spray.

    Hamsters suffering from mites should be isolated from any other hamsters or animals and be placed in a clean room / cage (make sure that the room or cage does not have mites in it) of their own to avoid spreading mites to other animals.

    Hamsters usually get mites from other animals infested by it or from their bedding. Disinfect their cage, wheel, food dish, water bottle, anything that has been in contact with your hamster and spray the anti mite medicine on the cage and other items. Allow it to dry.

    Treat other pets to stop it from spreading to one pet to the next.

  5. You can use dog flea treatment to get rid of them... if that doesn't work, try a deep fryer.

  6. Hmm, My hamster had fleas once, I through some red cedar shavings in the cage with him. Just a small amount mixed in with what you normally use, the fleas hate it. It's a natural repellant.

    I know people say not to use the red cedar shavings because it may irritate hamsters. That's why you only use a small amount. It never appeared to bother my hamster, in fact he would snatch up the red cedars and make a nest with them. Even if I took the cedar and placed it under the other bedding, he would dig it up to put back in his nest. (I was always worried it would irritate him, but he seemed totally fine with it)

    Another thing you could try is wiping them down with soapy baby shampoo water and picking the fleas off them. Obviously rinse them from the soap being very careful not to get their ears, mouth and nose wet. Change their bedding completely, wash their cage and toys free from any nasty flea eggs.

    Good luck getting rid of those fleas. Never use a dog or cat flea treament on a hamster, It could result in death. :(

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