he is a 13.3hh domnant gelding. we recently moved him into a different paddock, and he has been fine until another horse was taken out. noe there are only two other horses in there. it is a sixty acre paddock of bush. now he has been mean lately and whenever i go near him he bares his teeth at me and swings his *** towards me. i was trying to lunge him freely, and he usually is fine with that, but he just charged at me with a mmean look on his face, like that firey stallion im-gonna-eat-you look. you know the one? like he was leterrally gonna kill me. needless to say, he scared the S**t out of me,(as im smaller than him, and i have low cinfidence around horses). when mum tried it, he just walkred into her, and she couldnt do a thing about it.
he has never been like this at all. i need desperate help, as i saved up for himm all on my own and bought all of his tack and i love him to bits. i really dont want to sell him. any suggestions would be grat.