
Help my kids are giving me the blues?

by  |  earlier

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They are so messy and make so much noise that I feel tense and depressed. I am constantly talking, yelling and pleding with them to be good. When we go out they always run instead of walking. They touch cars, displays in stores and talk very loud all of the time. I feel like spanking them but I also feel like I might lose my temper so I go into my room and lock them out for a while. They are just happy and playful but it is making me crazy. Should I ask the doctor to evalute them for ADHD and seek meds for them or maybe I should get on medication since I am so sensitive to this. I have a older child but I did not have this experience with her. I am now a single parent and I have long days at work.




  1. well thats what kids do and u have to put up with it and heres the truth about adaral (adhd meds) yes they do make ur kids act better because meth (the same thing as adaral trust me probably know a little more about both of them than you do otherwise u wouldn't ask this question) in small doses will make you act right and they will also make them zombies i'm now 17 stoped taking adaral when i was 7 i'm were well behaved i hardly talk i mind my own bisness and i took adaral for less than 3 months so u cant blame it on that kids will be kids and then they grow up adaral just takes the life out of your kids and if u didn't want kids u shoulf of had an abortion and kids sell their meds like just like any other drugs thell pop 3 orange 20mg and get all geeked up so if u want to take the chldhood from ur kids while setting them up to fail in the future be my guest realy i dont know u or ur kids and i dont care about yall either so do what u want

  2. If you would quit hiding from your responsibility and start disciplining them some, THEN theyd behave better but you have to do it CONSISTENTLY, else it wont work.Also get involved with them ride bikes with them take them to the zoo go fishing.I doubt they have ADHD, you just told us what the probklem was, you go hide in your room instead of disciplining them.

  3. you are just overwhelmed, hon. nothing wrong or unusual about that. how old is your 'older child'? Touching cars never used to be a big deal, people are too worried about their precious vehicles. Kids are curious about EVERYTHING, they want to experience it all, right now. Sounds like your kids have an over abundance of energy - somehow you need to help them to extinguish this energy during the day, while you are at work. Maybe they should get outside and play more. Do they go to a sitter, is there a yard? You might have their hearing checked - loud talking can be a sign of a hearing problem. You are right, they are just being kids. Trying to find things to calm them is a tough thing, but with a little help you can do it. Talk to whoever watches them while you are at work, find out if they are overactive or quiet during the day. Remember, kids need to be trained, they only know what you teach them. I know its hard, especially being alone. I raised two boys alone, I know how it is. A lot of kids are kept indoors all day, which bottles up their energy. Watch their sugar intake also. Small changes can sometimes make big differences. Take them to parks, let them run until they burn out. Make meals instead of buying out, let them help with household chores, setting tables, folding clothes (even though you will have to refold most of them) - get them involved in keeping mommy sane. If your other child is old enough, let her/him help with watching them. You will get through this and the rewards of grown children that make you a grandma is well worth the effort. Good luck.

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