
Help!!! my kitty fell and hurt herself im worried about her!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my cat was on top of the dryer and it stoped and made that really loud sound to let you know its done and it scared her and she tryed to jump of but her claw got stuck on something and she flipped over and landed on her back and hit her head she was acting all dizzy so i set her on my bed she started like vibrating like her whole body shes been asleep for an hour and a half shes still breathing and everything but im still really worried about her plzzzzz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. GEEZE...  I hope she will be OK.  I WOULD call the vet anyway.  There is always a chance of internal injury.  Watch her balance.  Check for any blood in her urine or stool and also if she vomits.   Be sure she eats and drinks normally.  

    Good Luck.

  2. She's probably OK, but I would watch her very closely.  It's OK to wake her and see how she is, just stroke her and see how she responds.  You can also bring her a favorite treat.  If she turns down favorite foods and her balance is still off, I would be concerned. And, if you have any doubt about her health take her to the vet right away.

    Good Luck!

  3. OMG take her to the vet before she does die, this sounds like something is seriously wrong.  If you feel down and got up all dizzy and "vibrating" like you were having a SEIZURE.......wouldn't you go to the vet???  Would you do this to your child.  Why have a pet if you won't take care of it in the good times and bad???

  4. Please take your kitty to the vet.

  5. Yep, vet!! Why do some pet owners not think to do this when their pet is hurt?

    If it was a human you prbably wouldnt hesistate.

  6. poor kitty, call the vet asap, if it gets worse someone might report  to animal cruelty.

  7. I would go to he vet right away.  She may have a concussion and you probably shouldn't let her sleep right now.  

  8. i ahd a cat onec that got it's claw caught in it's collar and fell down the basement stairs....he was loopy for about 4 days, if it's still walking wonky bring it to the vet may be a simple concusion.

  9. Please take her to the vet!!! There could be internal bleeding, or swelling.

  10. GO TO THE VET.

    How do you think anyone on an online forum can help?  You have to take her to the vet!

  11. Let's see -- she hit her head, she acted dizzy and her whole body started "vibrating."  Any ONE of those things would warrant a trip to the vet.  Just like with a person, head injuries should not be ignored, especially when there are other symptoms (dizziness and shaking).  Please take your kitty to the vet.  Hopefully, there's nothing seriously wrong, but you won't know for sure until she's seen by a doctor.

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