
Help my mobile got wet will it ever work again?

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my mobile got wet on friday as it got Alchol over it. at first it wouldn't turn on but today i tryed again and it turns on and i can phone out and receive calls the only problem is is that the screen is blank and i cant see anything on it is there anything i can do to get the screen working again??

its a slide up phone

i only need the screen to work long enough to get the numbers off it as i stupidly never saved my numbers to my sim card.

thanks in advance. x




  1. If you have one try an hairdryer on it for a while, see if it dries it up. Be careful because you say you got alcohol over it and if it was a mixer they tend to be quite sugary and can dry crust on the contacts. You can probably try and open the phone and remove the screen (not all the way mind there are small contacts under it) and blow dry under the screen. If all else fails take it to a professional dealer and ask them to take a look, but get a quote for the damage before agreeing to get the repairs as it may be more costly than actually buying a new phone. Good luck

  2. Leave it keyboard down in a warm place and hope for the best.  They usually come back to life once they dry out.

  3. Turn your oven onto 100, when it reaches the temp turn the oven off, put a towel in the bottom of the oven and put the phone face down on the towel and leave the oven door open, this way the heat will help evaporate the excess water and dry the phone out without damaging it  

  4. Do not take it in to the shop expecting a warranty repair. Water damage, or any other damage, is not covered by the manufacturers warranty. Once the phone is opened the repair company will see the furry residue that water leaves on the inside circuit board.

    Even if you have insurance some policies will void the insurance as some do not offer this kind of cover, sounds daft I know but having sold mobiles and insurance for several companies I have seen the misery certain policies have made.

    I would just try and dry it out in the airing cupboard or somewhere warm and dry leave it there for a day or so. I imagine that you may have caused some damage by turning it on already as the liquid inside may have shorted out some contacts hence the lack of display. You may be lucky that the screen may function again after drying out properly but don't hold your breath.

    As you can power up the unit already and if you are just trying to get your numbers of the phone why not try to connect the phone to your pc and use the phone software to download the data. I've used in the following software in the past:

    Sonyericsson :myphoneexplorer

    Nokia: Oxygen phone manager

    Worse case scenario tell your insurance company that you lost phone and bin it.

    Some possibilities:

    Scenario 1:

    No insurance taken when bought phone - check if home insurance covers for damage or loss (weigh up the costs though as home premiums may rise next year).

    Scenario 2:

    If phone near 12 mths old  you may be able to report the phone lost at police station and do what is called a stolen phone upgrade (that's if your moby company does such an upgrade..some do some don't), phone in advance to check, anonymously of course!. If after 12 mths or minimum contract term just do a normal upgrade

    Scenario 3:

    If insurance was taken out when phone was bought- claim for water damage repair only if your terms and conditions of policy state that your policy actually covers such damage otherwise claim for loss of phone.

  5. errrmm it probs won't work :S

    i spilt coke on my old phone and it broke.

    but i could not even turn it on.

  6. First DO NOT turn it on till it is dry, but too late for that eh?

    Turn it off and leave it open, somewhere warm for about a week so that it gets a chance to dry, then it might work.

    After that, BE MORE CAREFUL!

  7. It probably wont work

    just let it dry off for sum timee

    &&beh patient

  8. when did you get your phone?

    I never got that kind of situation but if it is still in warranty maybe the phone company will do something.

    But fixing that phone, i suggest u buy a new one may not work based on your story

  9. ive had that happen to me also..  alcohol of course.  LOL  Mine never worked again.  If you have insurance.. tell them you LOST your phone.. dont bring your phone in, they will see the water mark and you wont be able to get a new phone.  As for saving the numbers.. after a few days after it has dried out and it still doesnt work I think you're doomed.  You could try to take it to a tech at the cell phone store????  

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