
Help! my mom wants to invite my ex boyfriend and his family?

by  |  earlier

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i was with my ex jarred for two years, then i get pregnant.. and he left me and said he hopes me and the baby die.. his mom and dad came over to talk to my parents and said they do not want to be grandparents and havent came to any doctor visits.... now my mom is planning my baby shower, and told me she is inviting them.. and i said no! and for her to stop, but she wont tell me if she already mailed them or if she still is! how do i get her to stop.. i doubt they'll come anyway, but i feel like if they don't care, why even invite them.. right? and jarred has a new girlfriend, what if he shows up with her just to be a d**k?




  1. honestly im embarrassed for you!!!..what the h**l...youve got to put your foot down! dont want to be upset at your own babyshower...even if they dont show up..theyre probably gonna have a good laugh over the invite!!!..honey, you have to tell your mom to make your whole family look like a pack of idiots...even if she is just trying to keep the peace!...

    jarred and his whole family sound like a bunch of asses!..its probably a good thing hes left when he has!..he needs to grow some balls before he can be in your childs life!...and his parents are totally ridiculous..whats the bet that when babys born they'll all of a sudden be jumping up wanting to be a part of babys life...(loosers)..

    well good luck with everything....

  2. oooh, I'm so sorry!  Tell your mom that you discussed it with your doctor, and that the stress is too much for you and the baby to handle, and he suggested to not have them at your baby shower.

    I really really hope it works out.  Good luck.

  3. well jsut think of it this way if they do come you have some one that will never leave you and its thanks to him. so the joke is on him. and as far as your mom is consernd. just ask her why she thinks they shoud be there. i have found with my dad since i had my son that if you talk to them like you are an adult too you tend to get farther with them. and if he does bring his girlfriend and she says somthing smart to you just tell her well you was not invited so your trespasing and that she needs to leave before you call the local police. and what really gets the girlfriend is if you let her know in your own way that you have a peice of him that she can never have and that you will never give up. you just have to look at it from a positive point. and if you are like me and you are cool up untill the point where you see them walk in. FAKE contrations. just tell her and everybody at the shower that you have been having braskston hicks contrations and your doctor told you to relax and lay on your left side for 2 or 3 hours. trust me it worked for me i felt likke c**p afterward but i didnt like the fact that his exgirlfriend( exfeionce) showed up with his best friend ( who is also my ex feionce)!

  4. I am srry, baby. Pray to God, u'll never be alone. Go with the flow.

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