
Help my pc 5.1 surround systems woofer is humming?

by  |  earlier

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i have had this surround system 4 2 years now , without complaints , now 4 some strange reason the woofer speaker is humming very loudly , its sending me nuts .

can any1 plz plz tell me how 2 resolve this problem




  1. HAHA!! ^^^ I agree. Check the connections. Mine does it all the time. If I happen to kick it, it will start buzzing and humming.

    I have come close to throwing my speaker system away at least 10 times over the years. I don't because it sounds good otherwise.

  2. I agree with these three answers. You should check the connections leading into the sub and to the amp/receiver. If they are both secure, then the humming could be caused by a loose input. Make sure all the inputs are secure. If they are and the humming still persists, then it could be a problem with the receiver/amp itself. If you have another receiver/amp handy, then connect the sub to it and test it. If not, bring it in to Best Buy or something and have them test it for you. It should be free, or cost very little.

    Darn afterthoughts ...

    It could also be humming if you have the volume turned up close to max and there's no input. Try turning the volume down.

  3. check the plugs leading into it.  when they are loose, it hums.

    or just teach your woofer the words.

  4. There are 3 sources of hum. You need to identify the source to fix it.

    A) With the hum present - disconnect your main CATV cable. If the hum goes away, call your CATV company and have them come out and ground the CATV coax outside your house.

    B) Get a 2-prong to 3-prong AC cord adapter and put it on the subwoofer power plug. Does the hum go away? If so you have a ground loop.  The best way to solve this is to order a "subwoofer" cable. These are ordinary RCA cables - but the shield is NOT connected at one end. This breaks the ground loop.

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