Question: pool turned green after heavy rain?

by  |  earlier

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We have an intex pool. The water was crystal clear, then we had an extremely heavy rain for about 2 straight days. When we went out to swim, the pool was completely green. What happened, and how do I fix it? It is almost time to close it down an we dont not want to take it down completely for the winter.




  1. get some chlorine in it  

  2. Using your test kit test for chlorine.  Use liquid chlorine and raise the level 10x your reading.  Best to know your pool volume and clean out filter before doing and when done to remove dead algae.

    0.00111458 oz of 12.5% Sodium Hypochlorite per gallon of water will equal 1ppm chlorine.

    This is best done when the sun is off the pool.  Leave pump and filter on to mix well.  Swim next day when chlorine level is 1-3ppm with 5 max.

    Source of algae, comes from the sky with the rain. Rain diluted your pool chemicals including chlorine.  Re-balance pool water.

    You're welcome!!

  3. if your pool is a above ground pool  add at least three gallons of liquid chlorine in pool and let it run 24 hours straight if you have any more questions please email me at i own a pool company eleven years experince

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