
Help my rabbits biting her inner leg!?

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I have a 2 year old dutch dwarf pet bunny and her inner legs are hairless and pink.....and i cant go to the vet at the moment....there is also another bunny that shares a cage with her but nothings really wrong with him but i was wondering if i should seperate them? Should i put neosporin on my bunnys leg??

thanks and please help!!




  1. This has happened to me with my rabbits. You should definitely separate them. The rabbits are probably fighting when your not around and pulling its hair out. just put them in separate cages far apart from each other. Don't use neosporin since that is a people medicine and rabbits have very sensitive skin. Don't worry the skin will heal on its own and the hair will grow back.

  2. yeah you shold seperate them

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