
Help my raltionship?

by  |  earlier

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My fiancé and I were together for over 2 years. I went on a trip and she had all my belongings removed from the house. I moved out, clearly. This all happened two weeks before the birth or our child. After the birth, we reunited, and agreed to work on our relationship. Everything was going well for three weeks. Her mom doesn’t approve of us seeing each other based on the fact that we “both need time.” I’ve had my time and fixed my personality issues. I stayed with her several nights taking care of her and the baby. I told her yesterday that I didn’t feel comfortable being over at her house because she won’t tell her mom that we are getting back together. She fears the wrath of her mother. What should I do? I want to be with her and my son, but she won’t make me a priority. And she is letting her mother control her and our lives.




  1. Wow are you my brother in law?

  2. Well, I think it comes down to who does she love more, you or her mom. If she loves you more, she would tell her mom straight up. I think its best if you guys work and live together as a family, and of course that's the best way for your kid.

  3. hey man. you have to understand that to women their mom's are extremely important, even more so than the man in her life. Look all you can do now is be there for your child, think of the child! and that should bring you two together. Also, i think you should confront your mother in law and talk to her politely yet get your point across and find out discreetly what she doesnt like about you and how you guys can reconcile and everyone can be happy.

    good luck! i hope everything works out in your favor.

  4. if her mother is the one footing the bills and child care you have limited say....get yourself a job and pay child support and show her you are trustworthy and responsible...also... YOU are NOT the priority any longer

    it's all about the CHILD and it's welfare....

    YOU and SHE are now responsible for a tiny human life

    keep working on your problems but it is no longer all about you....that's what happens when you become a parent.....

    the child comes first....always and forever.

  5. speak up......this is between u and one should controll you....say everyhitn gu think.dont keep it inside.

    or runaway together :)
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