
Help my really weird dream problem, help please i struggling with it, please help, i really hate it, please...

by  |  earlier

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since June 6 (the day school over) i keep dreaming and dreaming and dreaming about school, please respond, i dream about everything in school, and no i don't miss school, i hate school, but help me please, i need anything,

don't give me any "you need to go to hospital" thing... i hate hospital (no offended doctors and nurses)




  1. ummm...maybe it's something at school u miss??

    a girl??

    hot teacher?

    see some friends u don't see now?

    and more specificalie what is in the school? who's with u and what makes it bad?

  2. Still not much detail to work with but perhaps your mind is trying to prepare you for the future? Using both negative and positive images to try and get you to see what you need to do in order to live a good life? Maybe its warning you of the outcome of your dissicions?

  3. Are you too concerned that people accept you.Are you worried about entering a new grade?Do you get made of fun at school and your only wish is to fit in next year.Or maybe you dont trust others at school and you should.It sounds like its not a happy place for you and you shouldnt think about quitting .

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