
Help my step mum is MENTAL.......?

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my step mums is only 11 years older then me and my dad is 53... my step mum mel has BPD and is really mental lol she will always bag out my dad to me and she trys to use me to help her leave him and find her a new man now to tell you the truth she is not ganna find one couse she UGLY and her bpd is really bad but not just that she wonts to stay over my house over niter and i cant stand her but I'm her only friend she has been with my dad for 14 years and he is saying he is ready to leave her but how do i tell her i don't wont her here without upsetting her or her and i fighting AGAIN she wonts to stay over this friday nite...... she has tryed to stay her once before with out my dad and she left in the middle of the nite couse she cant sleep without him how do i tell her nicely to **** off lol and only just last week we have now got a new border she started **** tonite while she was at my place and and my dad were fighting i dont wont to loose my dad but i wont her out of my life




  1. Tell her you do not feel comfortable getting in the middle of her relationship with your dad and if she feel like leaving him, tell her do it without you. Tell her you wouldn't do anything to make her feel uncomfortable and you would appreciate if she would respect you in the same way. She has no business coming to you anyway. This is your father and no one should be trying to turn you against him. But their some people who just think about themselves and need to be put in check! Put her in check...Good Luck

  2. Just tell her she cannot keep running from her problems and you feel she needs to stay and work things out with your father, and she cannot keep hiding behind you. Leave it up to them, what they do with their relationship...

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