
Help !! my test is next thursday i think im goin to fail coz i failed on the first test and this is the 2nd?

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the examiner said on my 1st that i went in a bus lane but i didnt i changed laned b4 the bus lane came so whats ur advice for this test cumin up nerves are kickin in now




  1. Firstly take note of that examiner as he meant you got in the wrong lane and probably did not look ahead far enough - so look ahead and read the road as well as drive along.  concentrate on the highway code, read up before you go to sleep as things can be absorbed better that way.  Practice as much as possible before the test day.  On the day, relax and stay calm but focussed, tension can lead to silly mistakes.  Good luck, happy motoring......

  2. If you BELIEVE you will fail, guess what you WILL do?

        You are READY for your test, not when you can do it right every time, but when you just CAN'T do it wrong every time...

    You need not just lessons, but to be a named driver on a car with a family member, and to be doing the bulk of driving for a few months - until driving becomes almost a chore.  Drive in all weathers, at different times of the day, short trips, longer trips, get stuck in city traffic for an hour, and spend an hour at 65mph on national-limit dual carriageway... until you have done it all, and there is nothing left to scare or unsettle you.

    Then you will be a driver, and if someone wants to test yoiu, just treat them like it is Grandpa that you are bringing home from the hospital after his operation...  Give the examiner a nice smooth ride for an hour, and then you will have your test out of the way.

  3. Well there is a simple answer to your question. DON'T GO. There you go, just don't turn up. You'll lose your fee and the possibility that you will pass, but what the h**l. If you THINK your going to fail then YOU ARE. So you failed your first test, do you think everyone passes on their first and there is only you in the whole country that has failed and that is that. If you were my pupil you will have been told to think positively.

    I had 2 men, who both drove very well, booked their test, they were keen to sit it, and on the day they both turned round ( not on the same day/test) and said  "I dreamt last night that I was going to fail"?

    Guess what they both did.  I was annoyed. We reset their tests and over the weeks told not to talk about it, think about, dream about it.... OR ELSE. Sure enough they both passed.

    So, get back to that test, you pull yourself together and just drive.  You might think the examiner is GOD, and believe me I've met a few who thought that as well, but see it this way, they all go to the toilet like you and me.  

    Watch road signs, watch the other drivers, enjoy it. You answer me this, what other test actually gives you the ANSWERS on it? None that I can think of, only the driving test; speed limit signs, road markings, traffic lights, you name it it is there for you to pass.  

    Nerves, I can't help you with, but get your **** into gear (no Pun) and pass it.  

    Let us know how you get on

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