
Help need answers?

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are ouija boards or however u spell it real? and if they are how do u use it and whats it do? im not going to try it im too scared lol




  1. It's an occult thing, my advice is not to use it. Supposely, u get to communicate with a spirit, but it may be a malicious spirit and do you harm.

  2. It's kinda like voo-doo, if you believe in it it can become real however Parker Bros mass produces it as a board game so those boards can't really conjure up spirits. The idea comes from a wiccan belief that trees contain spirits. And if a person cuts a piece of bark from the tree using a ceremonial knife and carves the wiccan symbols into it. Then he/she can trap the spirit of the tree within the board using a crystal. Once he/she has completed this, then the spirit is forced to communicate with them.

  3. im wit you too scared to find out man :)
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