
Help need deck experts?

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Max Power has given me this awesome deck:

Monsters - 20

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

3x D.D. Survivor

2x D.D. Crow

2x Cyber Dragon

2x D.D. Assailant

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

2x D.D. Warrior

2x Gren Maju De Eiza

Spells - 13

3x Dimensional Fissure

3x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Brain Control

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Nobleman of Crossout

2x Reinforcment of the Army

Traps - 7

2x Macro Cosmos

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Return from the Different Dimension

Pretty cheap cards, except I cannot get any Cyber Dragons. I need a replacement. Some people say Arknight Parsath, but I don't now how it's a replacement.

I can't get Zaborg either. Will Thestalos work? (I love hand advantage)

How can I fix the deck to make it affordable? I still want it to be good.




  1. i put em in meh bike spokes or down my brothers mouth

  2. cydras irreplacable you  need 2 i have 2 but you can get them easily now with gold they're only worth like $20 but you can use evil hero infernal prodigy as a replcement it sp.summons aswell

    -2 gren maju de eiza (it sucks)

    - 2 d.d warrior (c**p)

    + 1 exiled force

    + 1 morphing jar

    -2 d.d assailant

    + 2 fires of doomsday

    - noc

    - 2 d.d crow

    + 2 d.d scout plane

    yes you can use thestalos instead but then - 2 bottomless trap hole


    2 drastic dropp off

    b4 changes 6/10

    with changes 8/10

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