
Help need some friends advice?

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well i'm 15 and my mum and dad split up a few years ago and i live with my mum during the week and my dad at the weekends because my mum lives near my school but all my friends stay in that area and i do go out places with them at the weekends but quite often i feel left out because they sometimes go out for wanders at night during the weekend and i can see why they don't bother asking me if i want to come because i would have to get the train there and back just to go for a wander with them but i feel really left out, is there anything i can do or should i just put up with it?




  1. why dont you try making friends near your dads house? and then you could hangout with them and you would have friends no matter where you go.

  2. just put up with it.

  3. if they split up then y r they going out together??

    that doesnt make sence

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