
Help!!!! need tips for cross country?

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Hi I'm in 10th Grade and I'm Pretty good at Running. Any body got any tips how to prepare for the cross country, what to do when the race starts, how to avoid a stitch etc.......

Any answers are well apreciated





  1. Have a good breakfast - cereals are good but also carbs, it sounds gross but have a jacket potato for breakfast and for dinner the night before!!

    Make sure you warm up well, pulse raiser and stretches are vitally important if you don't want a stitch or pain.

    DON'T EAT too near to the race, make sure you have AT LEAST an hour when you eat.

    Make sure you are hydrated so drink some water in the morning and/or sports drinks.

    Also, when the race starts people tend to bolt off to get a good lead - don't get caught up in that. Keep at a good pace but don't run yourself out right at the beginning, you will have time to make ground during the race.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

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