
Help needed, Stomach hurts alot.?

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I have stomach pains in my frontal area, I feel like I'm goign to throw up, but I am not,

The pains come and go, sometimes it will hurt more than usual, out of 10, 10 being the highest pain and 1 being the lowest pain, I rate it a 8.5,

What should I do and what should I eat, because I hav'nt had food since yesterday morning.

Please help me




  1. Well you need to eat something for one. Try very bland foods. Just put a piece of bread down. If you can keep it down, try a penaut butter sandwich. it has carbs and protein. You might have an ulcer, you need to get this checked out asap. THey will probably have to stick a tube witha  camera down your throat or in the other way. I know this sounds horrible, but if its that bad, you really need to get it checked out. It might also be appendicitis. I don't want to freak you out, but my friend had pains and started gettign sick. Turns out she had a benine tumor. So, don't wait. You need to go get this done.  

  2. Try a mild diet since you may be going through a virus right now called gastroenteritis.  Unfortunately it has to run its course.  Until then stay hydrated and try this diet.  Its abbreviated B.R.A.T diet, stands for Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  Hang in there and remember if you don't get better please see your doctor.

  3. Where is the pain? Do you have a fever? Are you not eating because of the pain? have you had diarrhea? If you feel like you can eat than th B>R>A>T> diet is good for a stomach upset.That's banana,rice,applesauce or toast. Without knowing the answer to the above questions it is hard to guess whats going on. If your pain persists or worsens or if you spike a fever than you need to see a dr.

  4. Well.....First you need to eat something. Loll...because sometimes when i have a stomacheache and i eat something it goes away. If that doesnt work, take a both with warm water. The hot water over your tummy should help ease it =) Or, just hold a hot water bottle against your stomache. Hopefully I helped! Oh and....maybe its c**p =P Lol.

    GoodLuck =)

  5. Definitely think of seeing a doctor. Without any other details, such as how long this has been going on, your age, weight and any relevant history, I couldn't make a diagnosis myself. You could be have gall stones, your appendix may need to come out, you could have a ruptured intestine, or it could simply be a case of gas or food poisoning.

    - Think about what you've done in the past few days. Have you eaten anything extremely fatty? Particularly larger, harder objects like sharp pieces of food? Have you gone to the bathroom?

    You could have torn your intestine. Although this is very unlikely because you'd be having way more severe symptoms such as bleeding and neverending pain. However, a small tear may not bleed enough for you to notice yet. Also, if you had a particularly large bowel movement in the last few days, that can also tear your colon causing what you might think is stomach pain.

    - Have you had these pains ever before?

    If you've had the pain before, usually after eating a big meal or in the middle of the night, it could be your gallbladder.

    - Is the pain located higher up in the middle of your stomach, just below your breastbone?

    This could also be your gallbladder but more likely it's very bad gas. If it's more of a burning sensation, it could be acid reflux.

    - If you're female and of menstruating age, you could simply be having unusually bad premenstral cramping. Nausea often comes with it.

    - Have you had troubles urinating?

    Could be a kidney infection, but unlikely since you didn't mention any symptoms of burning or pain when urinating.

    If you've never felt this before and the pain truly is at a 10 level, you should really think of going to the ER and getting checked out. Recurring pain that's that bad can be a sign of something more severe than you know. And this way, even if it turns out to be something as mild as food poisoning, at least you'll know.

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