I have a palm tree growing out of my left ear.I think it grew from a seed that got in there while i was stationed in Hawaii,during the war.I was laying under a palm tree,waiting to get a decent shot at the enemy. unbeknown to me at the time,a coconut must have fell from the tree and knocked me out and when i woke up,i had been shipped home,and the medics hadn`t realised that i had this seed stuck in my ear.I had another good 30 years before i noticed anything unusual, but one day i looked in the mirror and there was this palm tree .
I live a normal life, cos it only bothers me on windy days and when there are nuts on the tree.
,it has a few side effects,like I get these uncontrolable urges to dance the Hula, sometimes in the most silly places, like in a crowded mall, like one day i started and people started throwing coins into my hat which had fallen off when i swayed to the island rythym.I got a few bucks outa that.
There are some good side effects too ,like i`m getting quite good at playing the Steel Guitar now too, I can play 3 verses of the Hilo March almost as good as Jerry Byrd, ( i often wonder if Jerry had been hit with a coconut too.)
I also got this constant sound of breaking waves in my other ear too , and often find myself "Drifting & Dreaming and I get the urge to wear flowers in my good ear.
Can anyone please help , I am worried that this may eventually effect my mental well being, I think i might go NUTs.
Please, no Herbal remedies, i`ve already tried eating dried Hybiscus leaves and raw fish, it doesn`t work.
I`m smoking the leaves now actually..