
Help needed thinking of going back to work?

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Hi their just been offered a full time job today and can start monday problem is am on long term incapacity and just passed another medical today.What help could i get off the social for coming off long term and returning to work off my own back and would my new employer find out off them as i don't want them to no are they mite say bye.

to be honest i don't no what the h**l to do as i have a child also to my ex and am now living with my new partner and my new baby and don't no were we will stand with child maintenance either anyone one no this side is it going to be a lot of money paid out please help me guys on these questions i don't no which way to turn




  1. Ok....I have trouble understanding you. So you were on disability  ,Your getting a full time job, You want to take money out of savings, and you need help with child support???

    Sue the guy for child support , Go back to work (although the employer will probably find out the medical issue, especially if you need after-care) and DONT take money out of your savings because it's highly taxed.

    Good Luck

  2. Working tax credits it you are over 25.

  3. what's the question? heck what's the problem? I cant understand you!

  4. The only help you will get from the social will be working tax credits if you don't receive them already for your partner, and maybe a lump sum grant of £250 if you've been on benefits for more then 6 months. The inland revenue will also pay 80% of any childcare costs. That's about it I'm afraid. The jobcentre wont tell your new employer your previous circumstances, they will have nothing to do with you anymore once you go back to work. Which has to be a relief. Your child maintenance won't change, your ex will have to pay for as long as he works. It doesn't matter if you work or you don't he still has to pay. To cut a long story short, you will still receive your full child maintenance, you will receive working tax credits if you work over 16 hours and you might get a lump sum payment depending on your previous circumstances, the Jobcentre will deal with that once you let them know that you are working. You will be far better off working then you will on incapasity benefit. It won't be a huge difference but it will be a difference!

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