
Help! now please! ( pic included )?

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How do i get rid of my tan naturally? or is it just going to stay like this forever? And since i surf my back is like really tanned! and now my hair is gettingsun burnt. Any ideas to get rid of this tan?






  1. You're gonna have to wait for it go away but to make sure it doesn't get darker always put on a high S.P.F sunscreen, you shouldn't tan what so ever.  

  2. 50 sun block. I think there's an 80 too now.  It'll fade on its own, but use the block. You know, 20 years ago and before nobody used block. Today, if you go to a dermatologist's office, you will see all these older people getting parts of their body cut out because of skin cancer because they didn't know to cover up. Don't laugh...  I know this because I was at a doctor's office myself and heard a group of them talking... saying about all the places they had cancer skin removed. d**n... did that ever freak me out!  You don't think about it when you're young, but once the damage is done, it's done. You're darn cute. Cover up with block so you don't look 70 when you're 40!  Good luck!

  3. okay first off ur one of the most luckiest girls i no cuz im paler that clean white paper! and if u want a tan to fade stay inside all day for about 3 years!! worked for me! =] but dont be on the computer all day or you get those cancerisish rays that can kill you

    about your hair try mousterizing shampoo and conditioner. or cut your hair upp to your ears!

  4. If you get a tan from like surfing it will go away after awhile. You could try like shampoos and conditions to make your hair like be shiny and become healthy and such again. It will take time. Just treat you hair well. And you tan will also fade before long.  

  5. umm..why would you want to get rid of your tan? you look cute as is <3.

  6. Well i think you should stay out of the sun, i think that would be the naturally way. good luck!!

  7. WHY would you want to get rid of your tan???

    i would kill for a tan. keep it it looks good.

    anyway, it will fade after a while

  8. Try using a ridiculously high SPF sun screen.

    Stay out of the sun as much as possible while still surfing. (like instead of going every day go every other day or something like that.)

  9. Sunscreen!

  10. SPF sunscreen.

    But i think your really pretty with tan skin.

  11. it looks good!

    but if u really want to get rid of it just use a really really powerful sunscreen

    gud luck x

  12. Why on earth would you want to get rid of that beautiful tan?!  You'll have to wait until that tan you have fades and any time you go in the sun you'll have to use like 60 SPF to prevent from tanning any more.  But I think you look awesome with a nice tan.  Just my opinion

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