
Help !!!obsessive ..what do u think?? when u look at this??

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wondering do u think obsessive when u look at my myspace photos or what do u think???

please tell me thanks




  1. idkkk....

    you look weird.

    rate: 1-10(5)

  2. the links don't work

    please answer mine;...

  3. You're really pretty, you look like Selena Gomez.

  4. can u say...PICTURE w***e????? dude build a ****** bridge and get over ur self kk?

  5. Um...looks obsessed with taking pics to make it look like you're dying then editing them.  

  6. links don't work unless you have a myspace

  7. your pics are a littel freaky. like no offense they just kinda scare me

  8. Yes, I thing you are being obsessive. You don't need like 13 thousand pic OF YOURSELF displayed on myspace. You are very pretty, but it makes you seem very vein. And that is not a very attractive quality...

    Sorry, truth hurts sometimes.

  9. What do you mean obsessive, like too many photos of yourself?

    If that's what you mean don't worry I think its fine, almost all of my friends with myspace have 50million pics of themself up.

  10. u take really pretty pictures  

  11. Yes I do think this person is very obsessive.


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