
Help on 15-20 foot bike gap?

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Im building a bike gap on the top of the hill i live on. but the home owners association doesn't allow it. Right now im clearing out the big 10 foot weeds for a 40-50(?) foot runway to the jump. Im just wondering how to get the launch just right?




  1. You do realize that if you're a member of a neighborhood association that you could be sued for doing this, right?  I've been in the legal field for a long time and believe me, people DO get sued and have to shell out fair amounts of money and/or sell their homes and move....and for much smaller infractions.   Read through your contract carefully...or at least be sure you're in good with a few people on the board of directors before you go any further.

  2. depending on how steep the hill is changes how the jump is made. if the lip itself will start on the hill then you need a lot more dirt to make it so that the ramp is long enough that bot wheels are on it ore you will nose dive. you would also need less lip as you would be falling downward and outward and would want to build the landing accordingly. on flat about a 30 degree takeoff is a really fun angle.  

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