
Help on Frequency distributions!!! I need it for tomorrow plsssssss!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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What are the parts of Frequency Distribution in Statistics??? What are also the steps in conducting a Frequency Distributions???Pls Help me with this one... I really need to do it now!!! help!!!




  1. Usually in column's so therefore will be...

    class e.g 20-24, then class centre, frequency, cumalitive frequency and this should be done in column's

    otherwise when's there's no class things should be just the subject in the first column e.g children, then frequency, then a tally, then c.f (cumalitive frequency)

  2. In statistics, a frequency distribution is a list of the values that a variable takes in a sample. It is usually a list, ordered by quantity, showing the number of times each value appears. For example, if 100 people rate a five-point Likert scale assessing their agreement with a statement on a scale on which 1 denotes strong agreement and 5 strong disagreement, the frequency distribution of their responses might look like:

    Rank Degree of agreement Number

    1 Strongly agree                20

    2 Agree somewhat            30

    3 Not sure                        20

    4 Disagree somewhat       15

    5 Strongly disagree          15

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