
Help on Macbeth Quotation????????

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Does anybody know the exact lines that lady Macbeth uses to convince macbeth to murder King Duncan????

Thanks in advance:)




  1. Den Watts - he werent just her old man, he was mine too - he was my father. Then he shoots the king after the king told him his father is still alive

  2. "C U Jimmy, gaunie gie him the malky"

    (I have paraphrased loosely of course)


  3. None. Nothing in the text suggests that Lady Macbeth convinced MacBeth, when he first speaks of it she immediately changes the subject, she later blames herself for MacBeth's act but it was his alone

  4. Probably:

    'We fail! But s***w your courage to the sticking place.

    And we'll not fail'.

    You can find the whole argument between Macbeth and his lady in Act I scene VII of Shakespeare's Scottish play.

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