
Help on NASCAR 08!!!?

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Ok so i am doing the Earn Your Stripes mode on NASCAR 08 for PS2. I am on week 41 and on year 2. i have contracts with RCR racing in the National series and a contract in the NCTS series.So i did the last race (homestead) and now im done wit year 2, but when i go back to the menu it says that im still on year 2 and on week 41!! i finsihed all of the races and i won the NCTS title! but it still says im not DONE!! i dont get it!! then i go to m contracts and i try to quit them but when i hit quit the game freezes!!!! whats wrong with it!!!??




  1. haha stop playing it and go get 2009

  2. you have to sim the rest of your calander and then it will say end year. I ran into this b4.

  3. lose 2008 game and go with 2009

  4. Did you go to "End Season" ? Are you sure you did both Homestead races?

    Edit: Whoops! I thought you meant 09! My bad.

  5. just buy a 360 and 09

  6. Your game could be scratched/damaged or theres something wrong with your PS2 your the game dosent do that automatically
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