
Help on Some Felony charges?

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Okay so some dude got beat up at a party really bad like he was getting stomped out by a few people. His girlfriend was standing there watching and i sort of knew who she was. So she was just so hystarical that her boyfriend was getting beat down this bad she basiclly said anyone she could think of did it. I knew the people that did it and i was with them but I truely didnt touch the kid. I had no reason to. So anyway I just did 11 days in County Jail and was about to lose my job so i had to bail for for 60,000 which i paid 6,000. I'm taking this to trial and fighting it the whole way i have a few witnesses that will testify on my behalf. What kind of reimbursmant can i get from this whole scenario. The emotial and phyical the mental damage it was done. The embarassment factor and all the BS i had to through. I must be entilted to something if im proven completely innocent. So anyone have anyidea of what i can do




  1. Unfortunately, you will not be reimbursed for your expenses.  Only in federal court can you recover your attorney fees if you win, but only if the filing of the charges was brought in bad faith.  Right now don't worry about getting your money back, worry about clearing your name and worry about not going to prison.  You can always make money back but you can never get back the time you spend locked up.

  2. This is at least what you deserve for watching your friends beat someone.  Did you try to stop this fight?  Did you offer any information as to who did the crime?  If not, tough ****.


  3. So what you're really looking for is someone to say "the system owes you some money." Had this guy died, you'd be an accessory to murder. You might not have hit him but you just stood there acting as lookout - YOU WERE WITH THEM AND DIDN'T STOP THEM. You were an accessory to the crime. You may be very very lucky and not do any further prison time but no way will you get some big payout. The best chance is to sue your friends as they were the cause but you probably won't prevail. Good luck and pick better friends next time.

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