
Help on a kid who doesnt like to eat greens or "heathly" food.?

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can any one give me recipies on snacks...... and i do want this kid to eat something healthy....





  2. start with a little of everything and reward him or her.   some types of lettuce actually tastes good.  Use spices and herbs for flavor.  some dressings and cheese perhaps?  

  3. I think you should prepare vegetables at home as much as possible, try to encourage your child to enjoy varities of tastes and textures since the beginning.

    Children like eating with their fingers, so try to serve veges in this manner to make them look more tempting.

    You can also try to have picnic sometimes, try to be make eating vegetable a fun activity. Like using a doll's tea set, eating in a tent in your backyard. You can get your child's teddy bear to participate in this activity too like pretending teddy is eating his broccoli with your kid.

    Kids love to help their mums and they are more likely to eat if they get to help their mum make their food, like when you make small pizzas with vegetables let your kid help putting the vegetables on.

    I think if you make the food look pretty, cute and colourful it will further help a kid who doesn't like to eat greens to change his/her mind.

    Finally, I would try to limit the amount of TV they watch that has junk foods advertisements on them.

    Hope this helps!

  4. You can try hiding veggies, but if you're trying to wean your kid onto veggies, here's what I tried with my godson when he stayed with me for two weeks (I'm a vegetarian, this is a kid raised on hot-dogs, canned spaghetti, and chicken nuggets).  By the end, he was eating some veggies - squash, yams, avocadoes, white asparagus, jicama.  

    - Get him or her to help in the kitchen; offer him/her three or four different raw veggies and ask which one they want to make, and offer different ways of prepping it - i.e. do you want it raw with peanut butter?  Do you want to make it with cheese sauce?  On an English-muffin pizza?

    - Try him/her on sweet veggies that are easy on the palate - chunks of roasted squash/yam, yam fries, avocado, potatoes with the skin on them, jicama sticks, baby corns, fresh beans/edamame/peas, celery or carrots with peanut butter or cheese

    - Try veggies in snacks he/she's used to - i.e. guacamole on cornchips, berries pureed into a milkshake, pudding with fruit cut into it, veggies on pizza, lettuce used as a wrap, veggies topping burgers or hot dogs

    Worse comes to worst, don't let him eat $hit, and don't back down.  I can understand a kid refusing broccoli or brussels sprouts, since they have a strong, bitter under-taste, but it's ridiculous for a kid to reject a whole food group.  

  5. The site referenced is so great! I've tried a few recipes with cauliflower, which I honestly HATE, and they are so good! I recently wrote this blog post on this topic of getting kids to eat healthy, I hope this helps, it contains some recipes.

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