
Help on a <span title="Duet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">Duet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok so i need a acting duet for 2 girls from the renaissance time period cuz i need one to act for a competition and was wondering if shakespeare wat one wood be easiest for 2 girls or just anything now i am desperate and if u answer give me a real answer i dont want that nonhelpful stuff




  1. First of all, in a strict sense WILLIE did not include singing in his plays.

       Desperation is obviously what brought you here, but EASY would be a challenge I suspect, in any case.

       Beyond that, to assume, even an answer as irreverent as mine, might not be helpful, does show signs of immaturity and inflexibilty, etc.

       On a HELPFUL &quot;note&quot; ( no pun intended) I suggest find CELTIC music and create a Harmonic duet from it.

  2. hmm okay well you could pull some of the witches dialogue (tri-alogue?) from the Scottish Play and just share some of the third witches lines. it&#039;s pretty dramatic- if done correctly. you could also do a scene from Julius Ceasar when Brutus&#039;s wife talks to the person who does the whole ides of march thing.. i don&#039;t remember anything more specific than that, sorry. but good luck!

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