
Help on buying a new pc?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about buying a new pc,just a few questions if you don't mind,first off whats ye're opinion on buying from dell?i just like think buying from dell online you can see exactly what your getting,but id like to hear others opinion's and the last thing,on my new pc i want to be able to connect my satellite or sky up my the pc so i can record onto the pc and also i want to connect the new pc up to my tv to watch what i have recorded on the tv,so the question is when I'm buying the pc,what do i need to make sure is on it so i can do all that??i want everything to be as good as i can get it,because i dont want to be sorry after,so any help on this would be really great, or any other ideas to make this better i would also be very grateful,thank you...




  1. get a mac... much much more trustworthy  

  2. Dell's are great! If you want to be able to use the internet anywhere you need a wireless card from a company like Verizon wireless. And remember to get a 3d card.

  3. Instead of buying junk with no support, you can go to and pick out a good machine at a fair price and with great customer support.

    Many of the places will be near enough to you that you can pick it up your self and save even more money.

  4. Arbico UK do the best computers:

    Just scroll down to the TV Tuner drop-down menu and select the one you want. Make sure it has satellite compatibility though. The one you want is 'PCI Dual Digital...'.

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