
Help on chihuahua and friends please?

by Guest67057  |  earlier

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ok...i have the game but i have no idea how it works! i got a dog but all i could do is pet it!! can i do something else! cuz it's getting really boring just petting it!! i know, this might be a stupid question but it i don't want any rude answers please.... thank you




  1. U can click go out.

    you can then take it for walks, the more walks you take, the further u can walk ( u can take 1 walk per dog, per 30 mins) If you walk through ? u mite get some items

    While on walks you can train ur dog is agility or disc and then enter competitions when u can win money.

    When u get enough money you can buy more dogs.

    You can also sell any item u dnt want at the second hand shop( under go out, na dthen shopping)

    I hope that helps

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