
Help on controling erections?

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Ok this is a little embarassing but here goes. When I am with my girlfriend and we are like laying together or she touches me I usually get an erection. This happens almost every time. How can I control my erections so that I dont have one everytime I lay with her




  1. This is a tough one , cuz yur glad that yur body likes her and you don't want to train it to malfuntion and not work this way, and yet you don't want it obvious.

    Sounds silly but I tried ignoring it and risking the outcome! Yup! It showed her how much it liked her, and she was kind and gracious. She just looked, appreciated, and took hold of my hand. It was such a good feeling of freedom after and such a dropping of fears and self concious.

    It became a normal thing for us after, and she just got to love me more and more. We both wear a ring on our left hand now, and it's the one that we gave to each other 2 years ago while we said some "I do" kind of words. Hahaha!

    It's funny how we humans are the only creatures that have such a rough time accepting our own, and others normal healthy sexuality.

    Good luck Dude

    Me! :- )

  2. Dude, i don't think you can control it... If she sees it, maybe that's a good thing because she can tell you are excited and you want to be with her.

    The only advice i can give you is when you get erect, think of something so off putting (Eg, You're Ugly fat teacher [Something Revolting]) And imagine it is your girlfriend.  

  3. This is a tricky one. it's kinda difficult to stop being 13.

  4. If you are not having s*x yet, which is good cause you are not married, then "rub one out" before she come over or before you lay down.

  5. think about sports players  stats and scores, or think about somthing different

  6. you may end up needing the erection a few moments after you get it  

  7. goes. *shudder* Pretend you are sleeping with your great grandmother. If she is no longer of this world...well...use your imagination in a non-disrespectful kind of way...if that is at all possible.  

  8. That means that you're hot for your girlfriend!! GOOD NEWS!! Later you are gonna be wondering how to get a hard on... just enjoy it...


    Later dude!

  9. poke her with it, they like that kinda stuff.

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