
Help on getting a dancer's body?

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I am 15 years old and I have been dancing for about one year now. I have just made my high school drill team also. So far this Summer, I have gained more pounds that don't need to be on my body. Starting next week, for the next 5 weeks, we will be practicing day and night non stop.

I know dancer's usally maintain a low body weight. I'm scared that if I don't lose weight soon, I won't be able to keep up with myslef. I have staring running and eating as little as posiable. I know that's unhealthy, but come on! It's a drill team!

I need any advice I can get on losing some weight and get a dancer's body before school and football season! Please, if you have any ideas or anything on your mind, I really want to know. If you are a dancer, of any type, please tell me what you do. Thank you so much.




  1. the easy answer is for you to keep your own body and let the dancer

    keep hers.

    in all probability, the extra exercise of the drill team practice will take

    care of any extra weight.  trust me exercise of better for you than


    eat lots of fruits and veggies.  they have gobs of nutrients that i can't

    even pronounce much less spell.   you need protien, too, but make

    sure it is lean.  your breads and cereals are important, but they

    should be whole grain.  cut way down, but not completely out, on

    simple carbohydrates, and fat.  you know the drill.  sugar, white

    flour, and white rice, along with most fats,  just a bit but not much.

  2. "we will be practicing day and night non stop."

    from that statement alone, i'm sure you'll lose weight.

  3. I am a very dedicated dancer.  I dance about 12 hours a week and with that I usually lose about 10 pounds when I start dance classes again.  However throughout the summer when I take a break from non-stop dance   I get a little out of shape.  To keep that from happening I take some pilates and yoga classes to stay flexible and limber.  I also stretch everyday to help that.  Also so that I don't gain weight I run.  even if you do that just a few times a week it heps.  But please don't starve yourself.  I did that right before a big performance because I was getting lifted by a guy and I ended up dancing worse.  I hope this helped good luck.

  4. Hun, this is a HIGH SCHOOL DRILL TEAM we're talking about. It's nowhere near the end of the world if you don't have "the perfect body." You should never throw yourself into an intense exercise schedule and eat as little as possible. That's just asking for an eating disorder that you may end up struggling with for the rest of your life. Food is fuel for our bodies. We NEED it to survive and do all the activities we want to do. Now please stop being so stupid about your weight loss and go about it in an intelligent and safe manner.

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