i have tryed this test about 20 times now please help!!!
1 - Horses can be allergic to bee stings
2 - It is important to de-worm your horse at least:
Every 3 Months
Every 6 Months
Once a Month
Every Other Month
3 - What are some of the signs your horse has eaten a poisonous plant?
Rapid eye movement
Loss of interest in Food
Excessive energy levels
Difficulty breathing
4 - Horses born with the SCID virus have:
No hair on the knees
One eye that is blue
No immune system
Severe eye disorders
5 - What should you do if your horse has a bowed tendon?
Allow them to rest as long as needed
Give them anti-inflammatory medications
All of these
Take the horse on short walks while the tendon heals
6 - If your horse throws a shoe when you are riding, what should you do?
Try to nail the shoe back on yourself
Pad the hoof with cotton and wrap it securely
Keep the horse still and immediately call the Vet
Keep going, the horse will be fine
7 - If your horse has colic, you should allow them to roll:
8 - What are some signs that your horse may have West Nile Virus?
All of these
Paralysis of hind legs
Inability to swallow