
Help on laminate flooring?

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i installed it myself ...and right next to the wall there if you step on it you can feel its uneven how do i fix it?




  1. if it's a nail or trash you can do 3 things:

    1) remove flooring back to that board and re-do it from that point.

    2) chisel out that board and glue it back down

    3) jump up and down until "whatever it is "makes its own clearance in the underside of the board

  2. Rip it up and re do it.  Sounds like there's a nail from the old carpet strip.

    If it's a depression, you're baseboard needs to be warped and used to anchor the low spot to the subfloor, or rip it up and put more underlayment there.  

    you did check for low spots didn't you?

    I didn't the first time

  3. did you give it enough room to move and still lay flat around the wall? you are probably going to have to take that section up and cut it a little to make it lay flat...we have an issue with ours in a corner of a door to a closet....we have been told it was cut wrong and needs to be pulled up and cut and layed back down...

  4. You should have installed it with at least a 1/4" gap all the way around...including doorways, and cabinets.

    There should have been the required underlayment.

    And the sub floor should have been clean and free of nails sticking up, and other debris.

    If you did not leave the required 1/4" gap, then when the flooring expands... and has no where to go, it tends to hump up.  The remedy is to go back and remove that outer section, and trim it down on a table saw.

    And of course, if the sub-floor itself was uneven, it will telegraph thru the flooring.

    I'd say start with pulling the base moulding off the wall to see if the gap is there, first.  

    Have Fun

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