
Help on landing a single toe loop.?

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I have trouble mounting it. HELP




  1. Oh boy, I used to have trouble too. I would pre rotate on the ground before jumping.

    Here are a couple tips to help you:

    1) Practice on and off ice. Practicing the jump off ice will help you. And your muscles will memorize the feeling of the jump, therefore helping you feel more comfortable with the jump.

    When you are doing the jump on ice take a couple of strokes forward. Bend your left leg, and put your right foot forward in front of you. Now you are gliding on your left foot. Your shoulders should be square, arms extended at your sides, or do it as Pinksk8er suggested, with your left arm in front, right arm behind. Step down on your right foot, and glide on a inside edge. Your right arm should be in front now while you are gliding on your right inside edge, left arm in back. Do a right inside three turn (Bend your knee, and come up). Now you are gliding on your right foot going backwards on a slight outside edge. Your right arm is back, left arm in front. Pick your left foot pick in the ice, pull in, and land on your right outside edge, left arm in front, right arm in back. That is a toe loop.

    Now if you are having trouble mounting the jump it might be because you are not having enough speed, and hesitating, or not picking hard enough. When I first worked on my toe loop it was hard. It took me forever to get it right, and even now sometimes it's diffucult. But like I said above, doing them off ice will help. Does your rink have a harness (where you have a harness on, and your coach can pull you up)? That also might help. Ask your coach (if you have one) to go on it if your rink has a harness. The more height and speed you have, the higher the jump will be, so then you will land it with more speed, and cleanly.

    The most common problem with the toe loop is pre rotating. That means that you are turning on your toe pick and technically jumping forward. So just be sure to jump from a back edge, and pull in.

    Sometimes people's tips (Mine included) won't help you land the jump itself. But it will give you the determination and courage to go and just land it. So go on and just practice, practice, practice! Your hard work will pay off, I guarantee it.

    I hope this helps, and Good luck!

    By the way, some videos and websites that might help:

    How to do a toe loop-

    All experts (You can ask a question, and a skating professional will email back a answer):

    Youtube Toe Loop:

  2. Practice your toe loop following a straight line.  Start off with your right foot extended in front of you, with your left arm in front, right arm behind.  Just before you step into the 3-turn, switch your arms so that your right is now in front and left is behind, giving you a solid set up for the pick (I used to not do this, but it helps!).  Step onto your right foot to do a right inside 3-turn.  As you step with your right, push a little off your left inside edge into the 3-turn.  In your 3-turn, bring your left foot around and straight behind you to pick.  If you watched your pick in a toe loop in slow motion, if done correctly, just as you take off, your right foot should cross over your left.  Practice some mazurkas to help this.  You should feel the same twist/switch feeling you get in a mazurka as when you pick and take off for the toe loop.  If you don't, you may just be doing a "toe waltz jump." After all that fun stuff, pull in and hit a nice check out.  In my opinion, it's hard to make a toe loop big and impressive.  :)  But if you do them right, they're a nice little addition for combinations and if you practice it correctly, you don't have to backtrack like I did when you do double toes!!  :)  Good luck!

  3. I had real difficulty landing my loop! It took me just over a year to do it.

    You have to put almost all your weight on to your back leg before the take off, you have to relax when doing it aswell and  make sure you make it all the way around by swinging your arms around and then pulling them in tightly.

    Hope i helped

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