
Help on moving either to USA or CANADA to start a better life,really need to get out of here!?

by Guest62343  |  earlier

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As I have read few weeks ago about Canadian prime-minister asking all British who want a better life to migrate to Canada.....I am one of them.

it been raining again non-stop a whole week( it mid-july), work, work, work, loads of council taxes, bills, no fun, nothing entertaining on TV( got sky) all killing me and also making my partner more depressed each day.......

Just want to ask which country is best to move to?

i do have alots of relatives over there, and my partner too has her sister who is married.

Any options are welcome, just wont to get as far away from here




  1. well as it sits so far your choices are this

    A) free healthcare and socialism and few individual rights, or the other choice is, B) your free but not much else is and you have to work for anything you want

    a is canada and b is america, if i ever got thrown out id come back to america in a heartbeat!

  2. who told you it is gonna be different in Canada????

    the weather there is colder than in the UK

    No matter where you are you need to work unless you move to the caribbean and work in some restaurant as a waitress

  3. Move to Alberta in Western Canada.  The economy is booming, it's the richest province in Canada the taxes are relatively low and has plenty of activities at all times of the year.  Winters can be a bit cold, but you get used to it and dress for it.  Winter activities include skiing, ski-dooing, skating or ice hockey, ice fishing.  The summers are hot and nice, blue skies, there is camping, hunting, fishing, rock climbing, mountaineering, dirt biking, quadding,boating, water skiing etc etc etc.  The mountains are close, foothills are closer.  Once you have your own land you don't have to beg some buerocrat to build a shed.  The quality of life isn't even comparable to the UK.  If my career didn't take me to the middle east and my wife wasn't British I would be back there in a minute.  That being said even my wife is looking forward to coming to Saudi Arabia, to get out of the UK, that's gotta be saying something.

    My best advise would be to try and secure a job in whatever your field is, right now they are practically giving away work visa's for skilled labour, my bro is an apprentice electrician and 80% of the other apprentices are from other countries.

    Good Luck!!

  4. Canada

    Do yourself a favor.

    Economy in the USA is horrible

  5. I would move to the U.S. ...but I say that because I'm an American and I love it here in sunny Southern California xD

    Never been to Canada, so I can't really say. But I can tell you that it's fun here in the U.S. haha oh and better weather, definitely not so cold here.

    But you did say that you have relatives in Canada? so it might be easier to move near them and get settled? I dunno.

    But i did read somewhere that after Australia, more Brits move to the U.S.  in fact, two of my friends came from Britain (a while ago, though) and on my way back to LA , I met a British nanny. haha  so anyway, I was just lettin' you know that you might not have relatives here, but you do have fellow Britons if that makes you more comfortable.

  6. Canada have better life cualities

  7. Just do it......I think either can't be worst that the UK.

    I will be moving too but in few years,when I have completed my studies.

    Good luck.

  8. hi if youve got a profession you go son don't hesitate don't look back this country has had it for all us english people were now the black hole of calcutta i'm too old to resart although iv'e my HGVvery soon i might have to sell my house my earnings have gone down by £100per week   compared to 4 years ago    my wages now  go on bills so you get out fast all the best JUST DO IT take  the bull by the horns  go go go

  9. Have you given any thoughts to going to Asia

  10. I would suggest a visit, if possible.  You never know if you'll like it until you try it out for a bit.

    This is going to be a BIG move!  I am from the U.S. (Texas) and I've thought about a move to Canada.  However, the weather difference is a big factor!  Do you like snowy winters?  Do you like not having a winter?  

    Also, you will need to think about other things--health coverage is universal in Canada, but not the U.S..  Politics in Canada may be more similar-there's a multi-party system, so you have more choices than  just Democrat or Republican.  

    You may also want to check on the policies---is it easier to move to Canada or the U.S.?  I'm guessing Canada, but I'm not sure on that.

    Good luck:)

  11. I think if you move here, move to United States, because you said one of the main reasons is weather, I live in michigan, (northern USA) and the weather here even is pretty bad, I say move to florida because there are no state taxes due to the huge tourism industry and it is always warm and sunny (besides hurricanes, if your inland u should be alrite) but yeah like i was saying canada would obviously be coler and snowier than michigan, but if you take 6 months of snow, go to canada

  12. You want to find a way out to many things, but sadly it the same thing here in US....A monotony life, work-house work-house...taxes taxes and a lot of stuff that stress you out ... I would say life can be more quiet in Canada...i guess

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