
Help on my first corn snake?

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i'm getting a corn snake in a 4ft tank but i dont really care about that but i want to know some pros and cons about these snakes and if theres any better snakes for me.

i like animals that like to be held and snakes. yea snakes.




  1. A 4ft tank might be a bit much for a new corn. Is this an adult animal or a baby? If you house a baby in a huge cage, it's liable to become stressed and not feed properly. Baby snakes prefer being kept in confined space. It makes them feel hidden and secure.

    Corns are good snakes for beginners but, personally, I think ball pythons might make a better "first snake". Here are a few pro's and con's for corn snakes.

    Corn Pros:

    - They don't grow large, females typically maxing out around 5-6 feet in length.

    - There are literally hundreds of color morphs and patterns available on the market at reasonable prices.

    -  They make good display animals. They're curious and will spend plenty of time outside of their security hides watching what's going on outside of the cage.

    -  They're native to the US and can usually tolerate power outages very well in most states should that ever happen to you.

    Corn Cons:

    -  They can be flighty and startle easily when young. They are much quicker than bulkier snakes, such as pythons and boas.

    -  Some believe that the mass production of corn snakes via selective line-breeding (inbreeding) leaves us with corn snakes that are more prone to defective genes and shorter lifespans.

    -  They can be master escape artists, especially the babies and yearlings. They can fit through gaps you didn't know existed.

    -  p**p. You can almost set your clock to colubrid bowel movements. Just days after feeding, you can be assured there will be a noxious pile waiting for you.

  2. A "too big" cage doesn't exist. In the wild they can go wherever they want too. I can't think of a con about these snakes. Pros are they are easy to keep, easy to handle, a clean species, good eaters, and very bright and attractive colors. I hope this helps.

  3. 4 feet is a big cage, anyways the other person covered allot. let me say your snake will try to escape it is all the want. if you see a velcro lid get it as long as it is sealed your good. otherwise be sure all for corners on a hard lid are pressed down.  

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