
Help on my golf swing!!!?

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i am 15 going on 16 and i love golfing. i hit my irons very well, but i seem to have a problem with my driver/ woods. i slice every shot with them. i have limited the slice, but i cannot fix it. does anyone have any suggestions? thanks




  1. A good drill to do is go to the range with a bucket of balls, tee up each shot, use your driver and other woods, make sure you roll your wrist over at impact, you can do this just by doing a half swing. Make hit ten balls doing that then hit one or two full shots. Good Luck.

    Have a good one...

  2. i feel like i'm asking the question bc about everything is the same with me. i usually slice when i swing too hard or dont follow through so maybe thats ur problem

  3. Of course, take practice swings. Also, make sure you are swinging the club back rather than just bringing it up to your shoulder. Also take a wider stance with woods. And make the swing very even instead of bringing the club back quickly and then hitting.

  4. hey

    im 12 and im off 9 =]

    i used to have slight problems with my woods

    and i kept drawing them.

    My problem was i was rolling my hands too early

    after impact and my club face was closed.

    so maybe you're doing the opposite to me.

    also if you're coming over the top you can be slicing as well =]


    EL Rep  

  5. Move the ball up into your stance. At address the ball should be (if you're right handed) about an inch or so off of the left of your front foot. When starting your backswing...make sure you take the club back on a straight line for about a foot and a half (18") before you have any wrist movement. Basically bring the club back 18" before you start to bring it up. If it's still a little off....on the downswing...try swinging the club at a one o'clock angle. It's hard to explain and would be easier to show you, but I can't do that...hope you get what I'm trying to say, but it worked for I hit dead straight 300 yrd. drives. Good Luck.

  6. Drivers and Woods are hit differently from iron shots.  I'm assuming you are referring to hitting off the tee and not in the middle of the fairway.

    When you swing with a wood (including driver), it is (1) a flatter swing plane than irons; (2) Ball positioned more forward (more towards your left feet); (3) Ball contact actually happens AFTER you bottom out the swing arch, and on an upward motion.

    Also because the club is a lot longer than your irons, it takes longer for the club head to reach the ball, therefore, if you turn your body in the same timing as your irons, you will end up with your club head lagging behind and your body already started turning left, resulting in an open club face when it does make contact with the ball, and the ball will fly right.

    Don't ever try to adjust your aim to the left to compensate for the slice, this will only encourage you to have a bad swing, and if by luck, you hit a straight ball, it'll fly way left.

    Here's what fixed my slice with driver/3 wood.... Take a couple practice swings (slowly) and focus on keeping your shoulders parallel to the ball and your head behind the ball.  My swing thought was to look behind the ball and not on the swing.  What this does is that it will keep my shoulders square on impact and not have my body turn or weight shift too early.

  7. Honestly if I was you I would go to your local range and get a lesson or two , have the instructor videotape your swing and the flaw will be revealed right away and you can fix it , yes you will have to pay for a lesson but it is probably the easiest way to fix your problem.

    Good Luck.

  8. move your back foot away from the ball about an inch or so...  That should help..  If you still have some problems, I suggest that you go get a lesson from a real pro...  He or she will get you straightened out...  Good luck...  Grant M in Pennsylvania

  9. If you've ever dreamed of breaking away from the pack, and quickly mastering the golf swing at a level that blows away even hardcore professional golfers... then this is gonna be the most exciting message you ever read.

    Here's why: One of the most sought-after pro golfers in the sport has finally agreed to share the amazing "golf-mastery" shortcuts that other golfers have paid a fortune to learn from him.

  10. Try to focus on swinging on more of an inside path instead of swinging outside to in. this puts side spin on the ball. Also go to a stronger grip maybe. Turn your bottom hand more open when u grip the club.  

  11. Try this; it helped my slice a lot, as well as the video on Grip:

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