
Help on note taking?

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So my english teacher talks to fast and she wants the students to take notes, I have a hard time keeping up with her. I get so lost sometimes. Any idea of what i should do? :-)




  1. Uhm, first you may want to ask others whether they have the same "speech speed" problem. If they do, I think you have right to ask the teacher to slow down or remind her to when she does it.

    Secondly, I developed my own note taking skills when I was in university. The key is to develop your own shorthand. These are some of mine:

    Organize = orgz

    Organization = orgz.n.

    with = w (with a dash on top of it)

    what = wat

    who = w (with an "o" on top of it)

    which = w/

    where= w (with a dash underneath it)

    for = 4/

    to = It's like making an @ but instead, use 2 then curl it

    from = fr.

    And so on. You can create your own, and stick to it. It takes a while until you get used to your own shorthand. Another trick is to create your own shorthand dictionary for the first couple of times as a reference. After a while, it'll just come naturally

    Another is to use "tree notetaking"; This I find is verrry useful. For example, you want to explain your fave T-Shirt, go like this

    On the most left side write Fave T's, then draw lines to the right

    Fave T's --------------- Blue

                           -----------------Pink flower, middle

                            ---------------- Fr. Fave. store, Jacob

                            ---------------- Got 4/ sale!

    I can't actually make all the lines go to the phrase Fave T's, but when you write, you can make it as if Fave T is the main trunk, and the info on the right as the branch.

    Hope this helps :]

  2. I would use a laptop in college, it helps a lot!


  3. Tape recorder!!!!

  4. keep words like 'the', 'and', 'a' out so notes will be shorter.

    just write down the main idea of the sentence and not the whole thing. try to repeat the most important phrases in your mind so you remember them, quickly. symbolize the words with (w/),without w/o, before (b4) and use (+), example(ex).

    good luck:)

  5. tell her to slow down not talk to fast

  6. I had a english teacher that did the same thing.  Her last name isn't Garrett is it?  I always just asked the to say it again so I could catch up.

  7. Ask the teacher to slow down, you don't know shorthand! I had teachers that talked fast too, I learned my own short hand at taking notes, later before I forget what they were, I wrote them in long hand. Try it for yourself. If not, I would talk to the teacher, nicely of course.

  8. Befriend a nerd and get copies of their notes.  It works every time.

  9. ask other people if they're having a hard time. if they are, ask her to slow down...then get the rest of the people you asked to grumble "yea, you're going too fast!" she's more likely to slow down if more than one person complains. the more she slows down - the less you have to remember for the tests! getting a tape recorder just means she can go as fast as she wants and the students gotta learn more.

  10. ooh hehe i have the opposite teacher talks too much and too slow :(. hmm id suggest you write in short form, and listen to what she says first and then quickly write  in your own words. OR you can just stay in after class and ask her some things your didnt quite catch. or you can just ask a whole bunch of questions to slow her down. and if it all doesnt work..find a buddy and borrow their notes although no one else can make your notes and can write as neatly as you can. but basically, just learn to be CONCISE.

  11. Ask her to SLOW DOWN..JUST SLOW DOOOOOWWWWNNN!!!! or what eric said speed writing tips like abbreviate what she because-bc liike texting there u goo!!

  12. I would either tell her to slow down or I would get one of those micro recorders and record the class.  However, I think it would just be best to tell her to slow down.

  13. If there are words or names that are repeated often, come up with a symbol or short abbreviation so that you only write down the important things and will know what that symbol stands for and don't have to write it over and over.

  14. Try putting down short notes that only you would understand, but make sure you go over them in detail later so you won't forget. Also, talk with people you know in class and compare notes so you can make sure you have everything.

  15. ask your teacher if you can tape record their lectures.

    thats what i do.

    some teachers feel uncomfortable with that though.

    so always ask first.

    just tell  your teacher you have trouble keeping up while taking notes, and they should let you use a tape recorder.

  16. When I was in Latin my teacher was like that. I brought a tape recorder to class with me everyday and used it to catch up on what i missed. Or you could use symbols to represent words, it's easier (ex: w/, &, w/o, 2) stuff like that. you could also leave out vowels...

  17. just write down the main points of the lecture. take down the most important stuff, stuff that you'll most likely forget and leave out the stuff that are easy to remember.

  18. hey,

    not sure if you are in college or high school teachers expect more at differnt levels and in different classes.

    but asking her to slow down or to repeat something is ok

    see her after class and see if she has notes from the class you could copy.

    don't be afraid to speak up she is there to help you.

    if all else fails bring a tape recorder to class with you.

  19. Learn shorthand!  Or just use the text message shorthand codes everyone uses now.  I don't know any of those, since I'm too old and too much of a grammar n**i to appreciate them.  But it is a type of shorthand that could help you get the information down faster.

  20. learn how to write faster or talk to her about it after class.

  21. learning shorthand might help ya, it helped me

  22. get a tape recorder like a jounalist or else use shorthand and abbreviations.

  23. take a speedwriting class it really helped me in high school. i can take notes now really quickly and get everything down and understanding the notes is simple. there are books on speedwriting check them out.

  24. Don't use words like "the, to, of, his, hers, he, she, them, thiers, they, that, this, and, ect."

    Also, you don't need to write down everything she says. Just the most important stuff. Also, write with a pen, it helps move faster. Cursive is better than print, as well.

  25. only write down the key things she says dont write everyting she shes cuz then you wont get everything and go crazy trying to do it.
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