
Help on saying those 3 little words!

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Me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 2 months now but have known each other for a few years and every time I am with him I always think about saying 'i love you' in my head. I want to so bad because it's true and I just want him to know that I've never felt this way about anyone before and I just want him to say it back. Should I wait until he says it first or just go for it and see what happens? Is it too soon? I'm nervous about it all! Idn what to do or how to do it!




  1. Be a woman about it, take some intiative... he may feel how you may feel and maybe not... but if you have a chance to tell someone something so important that u wont tell them at all? come one:)

  2. go for it girl! he is the one and now its time to tell him and show him!

  3. I would wait for him to say it first because what if he doesn't feel the same way

  4. u have going out for 2 months and u two know each other for years

    i think its now time just say it

    go out somewhere and start to talk about ur relation and stuffs

    thats how my ex-gf got me he he he

  5. If you dont want to straight up tell him, just slip it in a sentence.  For instance, if you ask him if you wanna meet somewhere, he´ll answer, and then say "ok.  Love you."

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