
Help on sit ups advice??

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ok i remember when i was in skool i use to do around 100-200 push ups basicaly every other day we had gym just to see who can do the most i remember how my abs felt doing them now im wondering if i do like 200 situps everynite will it be a good idea and will actuly show im getting muscle tone and i dont mean doing sets to get to 200 i mean just doing 200 straight for like 30mins or shorter? will it be a good idea to do it every nite or do it every other day? or should i raise it to 300 cuz i know i be able to do it?




  1. Get drunk and sit next to your toilet and make sure you have  a cell phone or a home phone with a long wire. Order ten portions of curry and eat them all one after the next while you listen to eye of the tiger music from rocky and keep thinking "i will not sit on the toilet my intestines can take anything i refuse to sit on my toilet"

  2. If you do this you will over work the muscles in your stomach, leading to to so s**y abs. The only way to put on muscle is to do an exercise with sets and reps (well you should do a full body routine) then rest a day or 2 inbetween and repeat. You can not put on a large amount of muscle if you aren't eating enough and you need to make sure you are getting enough protein to rebuild the muscle.

    See the exercise itself will not build muscle, exercise breaks down the muscle. Eating (especially protein) rebuilds the muscle and makes it grow back bigger.

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