
Help on this please??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so if you were going to measure the mass of a fly, which SI unit would be most appropriate? I know its either kilogram,gram, or milligram. Help please? Best answer to whoever answers it right first. ;]

And no, this isn't my homework. I'm just studying and i need to study the right thing.




  1. Milligram they don't weigh anything really

  2. milli gram                               dear

  3. gram

  4. milli

  5. Milligram, apparently a milligram is equal to the weight of a fly's wing, so I don't see why the rest of it couldn't be weighed with that unit.

    And Cherrypie and her life science teacher apparently have no idea what they're talking about... A milligram is much, much smaller than a gram.

  6. Milligram

  7. mili

  8. umm my life science teacher said that milligrams are a half a gram bigger than a gram. so a gram

  9. good question!

    I believe that you'd use a milligram ^.^

    You're a girl, could you help me out?

  10. milligram in my opinion
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