
Help our 3 month old has reflux all your suggestions of remedies for help greatly welcomed.?

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obviously we have gone to gp but thought we would put the Q out there to see the response and were clearly interested, therefore we asked the question on YA. Thanks for all your answers.




  1. Zantac or Rantidine helps my baby a lot... it has to be prescribed.  

  2. It's a hard hard thing to deal with. We are going through this right now. I find that putting rice cereal in her formula helps. Also don't rule out anything if you think there is more to it there might be. I asked my doctor for 3 months if i should change anything and she ended up being allergic to the milk too. As for the acid reflex we had her on Zantac and that did nothing for her. We are trying her on prilosec right now, it has helped but not fully so i guess there is a stronger thing but you have to ask the doctor. "Reflux is the most common diagnoses in infants. Regular pediatricians aren't QUALIFIED to diagnose SEVERE acid reflux(which is called GERD). Drugs like zantac or prilosec aren't going to help either. You need to see a Pediatric GI Specialist and try stronger medicine like Reglen." i asked a similar question and the person that seemed to understand me the most wrote that. Hope i can help you out at all. Believe me i know the frustration in trying to get something to work.

    Things we have been doing until we can find the right stuff is hold her on her belly, feed her up right, keep her in her car seat when she sleeps because it angles her, thicken her food, see the doctor almost weekly to make sure she is gaining some weight so far most of it helps but we will have our bad days where she is in a lot of pain. GOOD LUCK :) make sure that is the only problem you don't want it to get worse!

    I also want to say i think its good you asked and got answers who ever said it was a bad idea is dumb. I have this problem with my daughter and i also wanted to know what people have to say about it because i have tried everything and i have trouble still sometimes so it is good to see what worked for other peoeple have gone through. Some doctors haven't been through it on a personal level and don't know everything about it, such as much daughters last doctor so never second guess what your doing because some people are negavite. Obviously you know we aren't doctors but i have been through some of it so i can help you by saying what helped us a lot!

  3. Just take it to the doctor. O sorry you would have to wait 6 months but hey its "free" right?

  4. my daughter has reflux... n has since birth..its very hard to say wat is good n bad for each baby. my doctor wants my child on pepcid or zantac n she pukes worse on both. at night i lay her on her side or she sleeps sitting up so she doesnt choke to get it to reduce puke wise with my daughtrer i put cerial in the bottles for every 4 oz i put a table spoon. be careful with putting rice tho the rice maes them more gassy... u should try oatmeal in the bottle./ i will warn u tho if u do some babies donty like cerial off a spoon b/c they know that they can just drink it in there bottle. so i had to go to solids and skip the cerials....

    best of luck.. trust me i know the issues... any more questions contact me.. feel free i been goin threw this since her birth...


  5. my nephew had this, and was prescribed baby gaviscon, really seemed to help - go to your docs Goodluck!

  6. u could add rice cereal to his formula but i would go to the docs or a pedinutrition (sorry cant spell it but hope you can understand)

    they can give you stuff to help with his reflux and can also put him on different formula to help

  7. You shouldn't really ask questions like this on YA. None of us are Medical Practitioners so a lot of the answers are either based on personal experience or guesswork.

    I'd forget YA in such circumstances and get your very young baby to a Doctor for proper diagnosis and remedy.

  8. My first was really bad at throwing up after eating and I mean it shot out of his mouth. Scared me so bad, thought he was sick. Of course it was just the reflux thing. I just fed him 2 ounces at a time and burped him and then tried 2 more. He still had the same problem, but not as bad or as much.  Good luck

    To the person that said we aren't medical professionals, she wants experiences and what we did. Talking to someone that has gone threw it makes things a little bit easier.  

  9. Feed him upright, keep him upright for at least a half hour after feedings if you can, you can get wedges for them to sleep on that will elevate their head a little so they are not sleeping flat. Burp often..

  10. Gavisgon from the doctor is about the best thing I know.  Another thing that can help is to make a feed in two bottles with a bit of a gap between.

    Maybe you could put a little baby rice in the bottle to thicken the milk and get it to stay down. Also try to prop him up after feeds to let gravity help. I used to make dill water with a teaspoon of dried dill to a pint of water simmered for about

    10 minutes then cooled. That helped.

    i read about some kind of therapy that's supposed to be very good but have forgotten what it is. I'll try to remember.

  11. Depending on how bad it is my little girl had reflux and the first thing i did was change her formula to S26 AR(thickened formula)(I'm in australia)

    I didn't want to give her rice cereal in her bottle at that age

    She had reflux since she was 2 months old we  tilted her cot mattress so she wasn't lying flat a couple of phone books should do the trick

    We also feed her in a more upright position and kept her in that upright position for another 20 Min's after her feed

    It is alot of work but luckily she wasn't bad enough to be having gaviscon etc

    They make special formulas to help with this problem which is why i didn't do the rice cereal in bottle to thicken it, which alot of people will tell you to do.she is now 7 months and she is back on normal formula and been on it for 1 month and we have had no probs apart from the teeth making an appearance

    They say it usually clears up at around 6 months but every bubs is different

    Speak to doc about the formula or maybe maternal center as they will steer you in the right direction hope this helps and good luck      

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